1718 Keystone to Scale: How streamlined permitting will allow home solar to scale

Thursday, October 20, 2011: 10:50 AM
C144/145 (Dallas Convention Center)
Ethan Sprague , SunRun, Inc., San Francisco, CA
In January 2011, SunRun issued a report for delivery to the Department of Energy (DOE) revealing that local governments can save $1 billion over the next five years and make solar affordable for 50 percent of American homes by streamlining and standardizing local solar permitting processes.  The report received acclaim in The New York Times, TIME, and CNBC.com, among other national outlets, and was endorsed by a coalition of 22 leading installers from across the country, as well as industry organizations such as The Sierra Club, SolarTech, and Vote Solar.  In this session, SunRun CEO and Co-founder Edward Fenster will explain why permitting is the keystone to scaling the home solar industry.  He’ll outline the steps needed to streamline permitting and discuss the progress already achieved in collaboration with the DOE and White House since SunRun issued its report.