2237 Grid Parity: Holy Grail or a Stop on the Way to the Real Prize

Wednesday, October 19, 2011: 11:30 AM
C144/145 (Dallas Convention Center)
Bill Rever , BP Solar, Frederick, MD
Some believe that grid parity is the “Holy Grail” of solar power - the “finish line” for the photovoltaics (PV) industry - while others believe it is a major milestone marking the drive to achieve widespread solar adoption.

In this session, the presenter will discuss the three levels of competitiveness that lead to widespread solar adoption and the timelines for achieving each of those levels, which are: (1) PV as the lowest cost option in selected applications (specialty), (2) PV-generated energy costs equal retail electricity prices and tariffs, and (3) PV-generated energy costs equal wholesale electricity costs.

Secondly, the session will examine the market participants - residential and business consumers and utility producers - who each have different grid parity points, as well as different responses to those points and to the levels of competitiveness.

Lastly, the session will focus on how the changes in solar economics (levels of competitiveness) will drive the response of market participants - including rate of adoption metrics – and the influence on solar energy policy.