Angiolo Laviziano

Co-Founder and Board Member
Mainstream Energy
775 Fiero Lane
Suite 200
San Luis Obispo CAUSA

Biographical Sketch:
Angiolo Laviziano is the Chief Executive Officer of REC Solar. He has over 10 years experience in the global solar market. He joined REC Solar in 2005 with the vision to combine business success with the goal to create sustainable energy solutions. Prior to joining REC Solar in 2005, Angiolo was one of the founding members at Conergy AG – one of the largest solar companies in the world at that time. As CFO and Chief Sales Officer he was instrumental in Conergy’s rapid growth into the international solar market in Europe, Asia, South America and United States. Before that he worked at an investment bank in Hong Kong and at the Prime Minister’s Office of Laos where he helped the country to become an eco-tourism destination. Angiolo has published and presented a number of articles and papers in PV-related scientific magazines and at conferences. He received a Masters degree in Business from the Koblenz School of Corporate Management in Germany and a Ph.D. degree in Financial Economics from the University of Hong Kong. Angiolo is personally driven by an environmental vision which was initially based on the protection of forests. In his early years, he witnessed the effects of acid rain when hiking in the German forests, and later he observed the shocking effects of deforestation in Laos. Angiolo now hopes to contribute to the energy revolution by bringing solar PV to the mainstream.